Privacy Policy

Law & Beyond (L&B) values the privacy of our customers, vendors, suppliers and any individuals with whom we do business. Any of the following personal information that may be made available to L&B when browsing or navigating our Web site shall be kept confidential:

• First and last name
• Company, home, postal or other physical address Other contact information, for example, telephone number, fax number, email address, and other similar information
• Title or position in a company or an organization
• Occupation
• Industry
• Personal interests
• Any other information needed to provide a service you requested

L&B may also receive personal information from our business partners, third-party service providers, vendors and suppliers or your trade references, under acceptable privacy practices consistent with applicable laws. If you choose to provide us with your personal information, we may transfer that information, within L&B or to a third party service provider.

Domain Information Collection

L&B also collects domain information to enable us to analyze how our visitors use this site. This data enables us to become more familiar with which customers visit our site, how often they visit, and what parts of the site they visit most often. L&B uses this information to improve its Web-based offerings. This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.

Use of Cookies and Tracking User Traffic

Some pages on this site may use “cookies”–small files that the site places on your hard drive for identification purposes. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID to track the pages visited, but the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. These files are used for site registration and customization the next time you visit us. Some parts of our Web site may also use cookies to track user traffic patterns. L&B does this in order to determine the usefulness of our Web site information to our users and to see how effective our navigational structure is in helping users reach that information.

Please note that cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive. Your Web browser may allow you to be notified when you are receiving a cookie, giving you the choice to accept it or not. If you prefer not to receive cookies while browsing our Web site, you can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse the cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence. You can also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser, By not accepting cookies, some pages may not fully function and you may not be able to access certain information on this site.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Your personal information is never shared outside L&B without your permission, except under conditions listed below:
• Consenting to share your information to a third party service provider working on our behalf to serve you.
• Requiring us to provide you with a product or service.
• Requesting up-to-date product announcements, special offers or other information from L&B or business partners.

L&B will also disclose your personal information, if required to do so by law, to enforce our Terms of Use, or in urgent circumstances, to protect personal safety, the public or our Web sites. If you receive unwanted marketing materials from any of our business partners, please let them know that you wish to be removed from their contact list.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

L&B reserves the right to change, modify or update this policy at any time without notice. Any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information will be posted on this site. If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us